List of realizations

Agile office at AEBI Schmidt

Kinga Pawlińska, the lead interior designer at Nebbo, our distributor, was tasked with creating a new, innovative, and prestigious office for her employees on the 26th floor of the KTW II office building in Katowice.

The client was Aebi Schmidt, a leading provider of innovative technical solutions for surface cleaning and snow removal.

The goal of the company was to create a work environment that is dynamic, adaptable to rapid changes, and supports team innovation and efficiency in the style of an Agile office. A team working according to the Agile philosophy bases its activities on communication, discussion, and daily meetings to update information and collaboratively seek solutions to emerging problems. Therefore, in the Aebi Schmidt office in Katowice, there are:


  • Traditional workspaces, that is, focused work areas with AcissPro office chairs designed according to the principles of active sitting, which adapt to the user's body movements.
  • Touchdown areas, collaboration zones, formal and informal meeting spaces with Nu, Fan, Softbox, and Vancouver Oto – products from our Softseat category, which, with their simple and comprehensible form, seamlessly blend into the entire space.